After having three babies, I know a thing or two about baby bags. I did my best research by observing what my mummy friends used before committing to purchase my own.
When I was pregnant with Esther, my mum gave me a black Oroton Baby Bag for Christmas. Sadly it didn’t last the distance with the inner lining ripping with my over-contents and the strap pilling which did not make for a good look. The Oroton bag that I was given was a black canvas tote and not like the bag I’ve included in the below collage. I do have friends who swear by their Oroton baby bag and it has lasted the distance.
When I had Magdalene, a good friend of mine had purchased an Il Tuttu Nico Tote in beige. I loved the size of the bag and figured it would hold enough supplies for two children. I bought it in the navy and it was truly a great bag to carry… but when it was full, it felt like a brick and carried like an overnight bag.
When I went to Problogger Conference last year, I invested in a new handbag to carry my Ipad. I bought the Sterling & Hyde Peta bag in Orange Hermes Authentic leather. This is now the bag that I use with Phoebe and I carry the bare baby essentials. I keep my Il Tuttu Nico bag fully stocked in the car should I need some more supplies.
When looking for a baby bag I look at the material it’s made from, the space inside and compartments and the strap. I like a shoulder strap because my arms and hands need to be free to hold a baby or toddler.
I have put together a collage of baby bags and to be honest, the prices may come across as quite expensive, but I use my baby bag everyday and I have bought cheap bags in the past that haven’t survived or have looked old and worn after a few months.
1. Storksak Bobby Cappucino Baby Bag $199.99
2. Sterling & Hyde Peta Navy Genuine Hermes Leather Bag $319.95
3. Oroton Baby Bag $595
4. Lubelle Lola Caramel Leather Baby Bag $239
5. Isoki Reversible Saddle Tote $119.95
6. IL Tuttu Nico Tote Navy Baby Bag $249
My Sterling and Hyde Peta bag looks as new as the day I bought it one and a half years ago. I use it everyday. I’ve gotten incredible value from the bag and will continue to use it well in the future.
Really any big bag can be turned into a baby bag, but true baby bags incorporate designs that are mummy and baby friendly like change mats, bottle warmers and pockets for dummies, wipes and all the other essentials one carries when looking after a baby.
I get asked about my orange Sterling and Hyde bag ALL THE TIME. I love the colour and I will use the bag well and truly after my babies grow up.
What baby bag do you use? How did you choose a baby bag?