Replace or Repair? Should You Get Your Favourite Boots Repaired?

We live in a world that would much rather replace than repair something old or broken. The cost to repair can often be more expensive than buying brand new. I also think we can be cautious of spending money on something that could need to be repaired again to eventually be told ‘sorry, they are no longer reparable’. Isn’t it better to put the repair money towards a replacement?

I had these very questions go through my mind when I got my favourite boots repaired yesterday.

favourite boots repaired

There was no question about wanting to keep them. I love these boots. They feature heavily in my winter outfits. But after I paid over $60 for the boots to be re-soled, I did question if I had done the right thing.

Thankfully, the Mister Minit man advised they had a 6 month warranty on their shoe repairs. I reasoned I only ever wear my boots in winter anyway, and decided it was going to be worth paying for the repair, instead of replacing them with another pair boots which would cost me over $200.

Plus it’s saved one pair of boots going to landfill.

My Jo Mercer boots have worn really well. I’ve owned them for over 4 years. I get asked frequently where I got them from and they have also been mistaken for Frankie4 boots.

jo mercer boots

They were a lucky purchase I made at the Jo Mercer Factory Outlet store when I was pregnant with Phoebe. I originally paid $60 for them!

And they have been the most comfortable boots to wear, with a heel.

I was grateful when I found out the boots could be re-soled and I was really impressed with the workmanship when I picked them up. They were repaired within the same day.

favourite boots repaired

If you’re going to repair a pair of shoes or boots – it comes down your personal convictions.  How much do you love them and what are you willing to spend to keep them? After perusing the Mister Minit website, it seems like there isn’t anything they can’t do to repair your shoes.

And they make a very valid point: Don’t buy new, Fix your Favorites.

Which is exactly what I did. So in the end, the cost was very much worth it. I can wear my favourite boots and no need to wear in a new pair. Problem solved.

Have you ever had your favourite boots repaired or resoled? What stops you from getting your shoes repaired?