What to wear when you’re pregnant

I’ve had a break from this blog because I found it too overwhelming maintaining this blog while writing at The Plumbette and juggling being a great mum and housewife. Being pregnant also drained a lot of my energy and so I focused on what I could handle and this blog got put on the backburner, but my sense of fashion didn’t.

I thought I’d put a collage together of some of my favourite maternity outfits to give you some inspiration on what to wear when you’re pregnant. This was my last pregnancy so it feels fitting to end this era of my life with a little gallery of maternity outfits. I wrote some advice in relation to building a maternity wardrobe on Styling You, so if you are needing more inspiration or help, head to this post what to wear when you are pregnant.

My maternity wardrobe was filled with essentials like maternity jeans and pants, basic maternity nursing t-shirts and I then used accessories or show pony pieces to add interest to my outfits. Some of these items weren’t maternity clothes and will assist with my post-baby wardrobe.

If you have a limited budget when it comes to creating a maternity wardrobe, invest in the basics and add interest with accessories. You will see through out my gallery of outfits, I used the same accessories with different outfits.

Second Trimester Fashion1

Second to Third Trimester Maternity Fashion1

Third Trimester Maternity Fashion1

Last 4 weeks Maternity Fashion1

Are there any favourite or stand out outfits from my collection? What essential items have you built your maternity wardrobe on?

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I’m linking up with the ever fashionable Kimba Likes for Wardrobe Wednesday.