Archive of ‘Lifestyle’ category

Love Themed Accessories & Gifts For Yourself or a Friend You Love

February is the first Birthday month for us where two members of our family will have their Birthdays less than one week apart. One of those Birthdays falls on Valentine’s Day. And despite the hype and commercialism of the day, I still manage to receive something small from my husband, even though it’s HIS Birthday, and he should be the one getting all the gifts.

It doesn’t take much to appreciate the one you love and a simple gift or message of appreciation can do this. Love themed accessories can also be a well received gift.

I do know that it can be a hard day for those that aren’t partnered or no longer have their partner. No doubt it can be a tough day, but perhaps we can shift our focus to the ones we love in life (kids, parents, siblings, other family and friends), and the people who love us back. Why not use Valentine’s Day as a way to send a card to a friend you love and appreciate? Life can be so busy, we don’t often let our friends know we appreciate them.

If you want to give more than a card, these love themed accessories come in under $40 and are a fun take on the Valentine theme.

Love Themed Accessories

love themed accessories

From top left to right, clockwise

Heart Hoops $21.12

Neon Cherry Matt Black XO Earrings $18.95 (they are listed as noughts and crosses but I see them as a hug and kiss 😉 ) *

Ruby Olive Maiocchi Earrings $19.00

Miss Monogram Olivia Key Ring – Red Envy $39.95 *

Heartbeat Ring $22.95

Aloe You Vera Much Planter $25.70

Add To Cart Sweetheart Earrings $20*

Heart Button Necklace $20.40

Maybe you could gift yourself with one of these accessories too? I like to sometimes accessorise to the theme of a day just for fun. Wearing some heart shaped or xo earrings are an easy way to do that.

Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day? Ever dress to the theme of a day?

Disclosure: There are affiliate links on this post. Should you choose to purchase an item, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. There are also links to new small businesses who would appreciate your support. I receive no commission from these, just happy to share about them. I’ve put an * next to these. 

What’s Been Going On Inside My Head and How to Shop Like a Personal Stylist

Happy 2019 to you. It’s been a long time since I wrote on here. In fact, the last blog post I wrote was on the 20th November 2018 sharing about Christmas Earrings! So much for my 2018 resolution of being more consistent with this blog.

But seriously, Christmas has well and truly gone and we are now in a new year. A new year that can prompt us to change, explore new experiences and question why we do the things we do.

And this has led me to reflect on Styled by Bec. If I’m honest, there have been a number of reasons why I haven’t shared as often as I would have liked last year. I’ve even started to stop sharing my daily outfits on social media. The questions I’ve had in my head have been, what’s the point of another fashion blog when there are so many fashion blogs available to read online? PLUS their social media stats are huge. Who wants to read my advice when I’m so small in influence?

Oh my inner voice can be a bitch.

But seriously. I’ve always been a sensible gal and I do read the figures and if they don’t grow or they stagnate, what is the point? Am I just a broken record repeating what is already being typed in the blogosphere or social mediasphere?

What is the point of sharing what I know? Sharing what I love? Sharing new discoveries and sales that might help you if you’ve been looking for that missing piece too? Is there a point to sharing my opinion on whether it is worth spending the money on the more expensive item, or saving money buying it from your local department store? Is there a point to fashion?

After some self-reflection, I know I don’t share for the attention (because I’m clearly not getting it lol) and I’m not in it for the free clothes (I don’t get many).

I write this blog because I love the thrill of a solution and sharing it with you (if you want to read it!). Maybe it will help you, and maybe it won’t. But ultimately I share because I love sharing what I know.

And not everyone knows what I know.

For some people, putting together an outfit comes naturally. For others, it is difficult and they resort to wearing the same clothes time and time again or they look a bit disheveled and in need of help seeing formulas that can get them out of their fashion rut.

2018 was a year of slight self-loathing about Instagram. Actually it wasn’t slight. It was full on loathing. But it was also a year of realizing that social media is really another advertising outlet and it has now become a driver for more consumption and making you (and me) feel inadequate about the lives we live because we don’t look like this and we don’t have that.

But it is another avenue to share with others and reach people who may be looking for what you offer.

I also discovered when it came to social media sharing, not everything that is shared on there is truth. A lot of it is fabricated. A lot of ‘behind the scenes’ have sets, lights, makeup and filtering to get the right photo. Some images are reshared for the sake of entertaining or having something to post for followers.

For me, when it comes to Instagram, I select my outfit photo out of two or three images taken on my iPhone. Sometimes my husband, Jacob, gets the shot right the first go.

I have no time for props or looking in the distance with my hair to one side, acting as an extra on the Bold and the Beautiful.

I have three kids to drop off to school/daycare, and then articles to write or calls to answer with customers asking me how I can help them with their insurance. I have household demands that I need to attend to just like everyone. It’s not helpful to my state of mind comparing my household to the sexy housewife that does the dishes in her underwear portraying a lifestyle we don’t need to know about or compete with. I mean seriously.

So with those revelations about how I feel about social media, you could say I suffered from a severe case of comparisonitis. Except I love my life. So it was more inadequatitis. Feeling inadequate about the life I love and live, and the blog I write and the photos I share and enough already. With this revelation, it has made me all the more aware of what and how I share with you.

So 2019, where does that leave us? Well, I’m planning to be more consistent on this blog. Not for me, but for you. I want to start a new series on the blog called How to Shop Like a Personal Stylist.

Before you groan about your new years’ resolution of not spending money on clothes this year, don’t unfollow the blog. I will be using new clothes to show how you can make the best decisions when curating your wardrobe. But I’m hoping you may have them in your wardrobe already – or at least something similar. And if you don’t have them, well use the blog as a way to curate a shopping list for when you HAVE THE MONEY to buy those items missing from your wardrobe.

Buying new clothes should be a rarity and a thrill because it’s not something you do all the time. This is why I love shopping. Because I don’t get to do it as often as I like and nothing beats the feeling of finding something full price which you LOVE and having the money to buy because you’ve been mindful about your spending. I also love buying something on sale too, but this year, it’s not buying stuff for the sake of it being on trend, it’s buying it because we love it and know it’s going to work with other pieces within our wardrobe. Bonus if it is also on trend.

I’m going to admit, there may be a bit of Gormanesque type outfits on here in 2019 because I LOVE COLOUR. I love patterns. We should all be embracing colour in 2019. Colour injects personality and happiness. It doesn’t have to be bright, but a little colour can bring out the best in your mood.

If any of what I have typed here has pulled a cord at your own inadequacy and feeling like you ‘don’t measure up’, please believe me when I say Instagram is the worst measurement to use against your life. Every person’s life is a tapestry and lot of the time, to allow the full picture to unfold, there has to be a lot of sewing in one colour, before the pattern changes to complete the next part of the picture. When you see pictures on Instagram, you’re only seeing the change in the colour, not the mundaneness that has been lived before that change was reached.

Bring on 2019. Now I’ve got all that off my chest, I’m hoping this year will be our most stylish, yet abundantly freeing year, yet.

I Can’t Afford New Clothes All The Time, So This Is What I Do

If I was made of cash, you would see me wearing a different outfit everyday.

I love clothes. I love the thrill of owning a new piece and wearing it out. I equally enjoy discovering ways to wear a new piece with items I already own in my wardrobe. It proves the purchase was a good decision!

The reality is I don’t have an unlimited budget when it comes to clothes shopping. Truth be told, most of us don’t have the budget to buy new clothes all the time. But like me, you certainly love the thrill! So how can you get the same thrill of new clothes when you can’t afford to buy anything new?

This is what I do, because I’m right there with you!

can't afford new clothes

When I can’t afford new clothes but itch for something new, this is what I generally do:

Sort out my wardrobe – Sometimes I have to remind myself of what I already own. Spring is an ideal time to do this. I go through all the clothes in my wardrobe and segregate the pieces that have not been worn in a long while. Often I try to sell these pieces or will donate depending on what it is I’m trying to offload.

Create a wish list – Some online retailers will allow you to keep a wish list of pieces you’d love to own, but can’t quite afford right now. I have done this with Birdsnest and a few other online retailers. I will often wait for a sale or a code for free shipping before I make my purchase.

Spend time creating new ways of wearing what I already own – This tip can take time, but it’s really worth the investment as I have discovered new ways to wear a piece.

Can’t Afford New Clothes

Same cardi and shoes worn in three different outfits

Keep money in Paypal for those sporadic purchases – like anyone, I can be prone to a spur of the moment purchase. I might be scrolling through Instagram and I see a dress I love and before I know it, I’ve added to cart. For these situations, I try to keep a little bit of money in my Paypal account for such purchases. I don’t leave a lot of money in my Paypal account because I have had my account hacked and all funds stolen with the account closed (I got the funds back but it taught me never to keep a lot of money in Paypal if it ever happened again!). So whenever I get funds, I will withdraw, but I will keep a small amount in for sporadic purchases.

If funds are tight, I will head to an op shop – I have mixed success with op shops and I don’t always have the time to trawl through all the clothes to find something I’m specifically looking for, but it can certainly give you the same thrill of buying something new.

Buy an accessory within budget – These days accessories can cost just as much as clothes! I’m quite picky about my accessories, but I find when I purchase well, these can add to the thrill of owning something new.

I’m not perfect when it comes to clothes shopping, and I have been prone to chuck a new purchase on the credit card and ‘figure out’ how to pay it off when the next pay comes through. But when you have a financial goal, it can be easier to control the urge to buy something new.

Enjoying the clothes you already own can give just as much a thrill as buying something new.

I also try to remember the thrill of owning new clothes will never be quenched with something new because ‘new’ will become ‘old’ sooner or later.

Which is why being content with what you own becomes all the more important.

What do you do when you can’t afford new clothes but have the urge to buy something new?

How to Clean Tarnished Silver Jewellery

If you have abandoned wearing your silver jewellery because it’s tarnished, you need to try this DIY cleaning hack. This homemade solution will clean your tarnished silver jewellery easily, no scrubbing needed!

how to clean tarnished silver jewellery

Four years ago, I got my first silver necklace from Tiffany & Co. Within a period of 6 months, I had two necklaces from Tiffany’s. One was for my 30th and the other was for our wedding anniversary.

I remember being so excited about owning my first piece of Tiffany & Co (I’ve even kept the boxes and bags), so it’s embarrassing to admit, both necklaces had been left in my jewellery organiser because both had tarnished severely.

I had made a mental note to take my necklaces to a jeweller to get cleaned so I could wear them again.

tarnished silver necklace

My tarnished necklace

But then I saw a Facebook post showing how to clean silver with ekoWorx or Koh. I dunked my necklace into the solution, but it didn’t do much to take the tarnish away.

tarnished silver in koh

Necklace in Koh – Didn’t do much to take the tarnish away

So, I googled some homemade recipes and decided to mix a few of the tips to see if I’d get a shiny, silver necklace.

I did a similar process a few years ago, when trying to remove the tarnish from a silver sugar bowl Jacob received from his late Nanna. It worked a treat, but didn’t quite take all of the tarnish away.

For my experiment, I put some aluminum foil into a container, placed my necklace on top, then I added 1 tablespoon of bicarb soda, ¼ cup of vinegar and another half cup of boiling water on top. I left my necklace in the container for half an hour. I used tongs to get my necklace out and I was impressed with the results.

cleaning tarnished silver jewellery

My Tiffany & Co silver necklace was no longer tarnished. I used the same solution to clean my other key necklace, which worked just as effectively.

silver necklace after


The key to the success of this cleaner is the chemical reaction that occurs between the silver and the aluminum foil.

The silver sulfide atoms transfer from the silver jewellery to the aluminum. This means there is no heavy scrubbing as the electrochemical reaction does all the cleaning.

clean tarnished silver jewellery

The best part of this hack is you will most likely have all the ingredients at home.

I’ve now got two Tiffany & Co necklaces I can wear with pride again. And when they start to tarnish, I know what I’ll need to do to get them looking new again.

Did you know this silver jewellery cleaning hack? Got any other jewellery cleaning hacks I should know about?

How to Stick to Your Fashion Intentions for 2018

The start of the year is always a good prompt to reflect on where you’re at in life and make plans to change things you’re not satisfied with. One area of our lives that may seem superficial to reflect on is the state of our wardrobes. And I don’t mean how organised they are and what they look like (although this is helpful so you can find things when you need them). I’m talking about having a wardrobe that serves the purposes of your life. Whether it’s having clothes for all occasions or creating a capsule wardrobe so you have less clothes or acquiring new brands that you love but may not be able to afford.

fashion intentions for 2018

Fashion Intentions – Some Ideas to Create Your Own

I think everyone should have a fashion intention they can focus on throughout the year.

Some examples are:

Only buy new clothes from Op Shops

No new clothes for the year

Create a collection of designer pieces

Buy investment pieces that will last more than a year

Create a capsule wardrobe

Declutter your wardrobe

Book a one-on-one session with a stylist to develop your style

Do courses or read blogs to discover or evolve your style

Only buy Australian made clothes

Only buy ethically made clothes

Not buying clothes over the price of $100

Set up a fashion splurge account 

Work on body confidence and wear bolder pieces that show off your figure

And etc

There are many more intentions you may be able to think of when it comes to your personal wardrobe and fashion choices.

Maybe you may know one or two you might like to focus on during the year.

So how can you make your fashion intention a success for 2018?

To make your fashion intention a success, you need to read the right blogs and interact with these fashionistas, so you can gleam inspiration and motivation to stay on course with your intentions. Here are some fashion blogs I recommend for some of the intentions I listed above.

Bloggers to Follow for Your Fashion Intentions for 2018

Styling You: Discovering your style and learning how to dress for you PLUS body confidence boosting posts

Hello 2018. I see you and I celebrate this awesome community of women. . . Every day, I witness women in this community lifting others up, with a comment, a helpful suggestion or a “like”. I see women sharing images of their outfits, safe in the knowledge they won’t be cut down for their choices. I see women get themselves into a swimsuit for the first time in many, many years. I see women not afraid to ask a style question because they know they will not be laughed at for asking for help. I see women who wouldn’t have known each other except for this community become friends. I see women blossom and grow as they feel they have found the support they need to unlock their style. . . How lucky am I? More on the blog … plus you could win one of 5 spots in my next online style program. . . Click @stylingyou and follow the link in my profile to read . . Photo: @thephotopitch | hair and makeup: @hairbeautyguru via @arccreative #everydaystyle #girlboss

A post shared by Nikki Parkinson | Styling You (@stylingyou) on

Pretty Chuffed: Fashion buys under $100

Styling Curvy: Curvy Style and Body Confidence Posts

Carly Findlay and Life on Wallace: Dress from your own wardrobe

Never Ever Pay Retail: Op Shop Style

Kirsten & Co: Local Brisbane Boutiques Style and Body Confidence

Iris May Style and Middle Aged Mama: Discovering your style beyond 40

A huge shoutout to the fabulous team @evalynparsonssalon for once again looking after my hair. Not sure how you magically turn my very dark roots (and greys) back to blonde in a heartbeat 😝I left the salon with a creamy multitonal blonde and a sharp textured bob, courtesy of the delightful Tahlia, which I adore. From the second I walked into the salon, I was greeted with a beautiful welcome, a glass of bubbles, plus a plate of cheese and biscuits – even though they were all rushed off their feet! #mykindaoffabulous ——— Just a heads-up, the salon are recruiting, so if you know of anyone either already living on the Sunshine Coast OR maybe someone looking to relocate/move from Melbs or Syd – that may be interested, get them to email their resume. 💋💋 ——— … … … … … #hair #evalynparsonshair #blonde #ambassador #everydaystyle

A post shared by BEV | IRIS MAY STYLE (@irismaystyle) on

Style and Shenanigans and Sonia Styling: Outfit ideas for all occasions

Whatever your goal is, bookmark these blogs and follow these bloggers on Instagram that align with your fashion intention.

If you want to own a certain designer piece, why not do a search on Facebook for groups that share their outfits from this brand or have a swap and buy group? I am a part of the Gorman Outfit of the Day group and love seeing everyone’s outfits. One of my intentions this year is to own 1 Gorman dress. I’ve got a few more intentions, but I might share them in another post.

Do you have fashion intentions for 2018? What fashion intentions have you made in the past?


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