I’ve seen the Liebster Award do the rounds in the blogosphere for quite a while and my blog The Plumbette has been nominated a few times but I’ve never gotten round to participating because I found it hard trying to find 10 new blogs to nominate as most of the new blogs I would come across had been nominated already.
So I was surprised to see another nomination for the Liebster Award and I thought what? AGAIN? But I soon realized it was the lovely Shannon from How can I wear that nominating my Styled by Bec blog. And I was nominated last week again by Nicole from The Builder’s Wife.
Styled by Bec has never been nominated for an award and I was pretty chuffed to have received a nomination for this little blog.
For those that don’t know what a Liebster Award is – it’s an award given to bloggers, by fellow bloggers as a way of recognising your blog and a way to connect and discover other fabulous blogs in the blogosphere.
A few rules that come with the nomination are:
- Link back and recognise the blogger who nominated you.
- Answer ten questions given by the nominator.
- Nominate ten other bloggers for the award.
- Create ten questions for nominees to answer.
- Notify your nominees.
- Get an award button and display it proudly.
Here are Shannon’s questions and my answers.
What is your favourite texture combo? I love a cotton with lace. I don’t think I play with texture enough so this question has inspired me to be a bit daring with my texture choices.
If you had a spare $1000 where would you spend it? I would try and tick off a few things on my bucket list like going to an exclusive restaurant and putting the funds towards a designer handbag purchase.
What was your favourite subject at school? English and Geography were my favourite subjects at school. They were also my best subjects.
Do you have any pets? Yes, we have a dog called Bentley who is 7 years old. He’s a brilliant guard dog but thinks he’s king of our castle. Maybe because we treat him as our first baby and he’s used to being pampered.
How would you describe yourself in three words? Outgoing Strong Friendly

Leather or pleather? Both. Leather when I have funds, pleather when I want champagne on a beer budget. 😉
If you could invite any two people to dinner (living or dead) who would it be? Gosh, this question has me stumped. I’m not sure who I would have over for dinner. Maybe Ellen and Oprah because I would love to hear about their journey to success and what celebrities are really like off screen.
What is your favourite decade, fashion wise? I don’t really have a favourite decade, but I do like to draw inspiration from each decade to create new outfits to wear now.
What is your dream job? Anything that involves helping people. I enjoy styling, but I also love blogging too. I enjoy plumbing when solving problems and advising clients on a solution.
Who is your favourite character from the television show Friends? Joey, because despite his goofiness, he was funny.
My nominations are a mix of favourites and a mix of new finds.
Sophisticated Mumma
Blossom and Bright
Caitlyn’s Happy Heart
Pretty Chuffed
Lisa Berson
Mummy Wife Me
Create Bake Make
Peachy Keen Mumma
You had us at Hello
Kirsten & Co
And my questions are
What is your favourite piece of jewellery and why?
What are your three favourite shops?
Dress or pants?
What is your favourite colour combination?
You have $1000 to spend styling your living room. Where do you go and what would you buy?
What is the most expensive piece of clothing you own?
Where is your favourite shopping centre or favourite shopping destination?
If money was no object, where would you go on holiday?
What’s the best present you ever received?
Do you prefer online shopping or bricks and mortar?
I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.