Are All Your Clothes Your Favourite Clothes?

favourite clothes repeated my style

Are all your clothes your favourite clothes?

Like most Australians over the Christmas and New Year holidays, I binged on Netflix.

One of the shows I can’t stop thinking about is the documentary called Minimalism: A documentary about the important things.

I watched it a second time with Jacob and it sprang us into action in to living a life with less stuff.

The first areas we started decluttering were our bedside tables. Our top drawers always get stashed with old birthday cards, letters, unused condoms (Jacob’s side) and for me, spare bra straps and a notebooks for journaling that I have good intentions of doing but never do.

I don’t consider myself a hoarder, however I do like to keep things that bring back memories and shamefully, the next two drawers of my bedside contained underwear I hadn’t worn since my honeymoon. None of it fit me and I had kept it in the hope that one day I’d fit back into again. The thing is I can no longer wear undies that sit too low because they rub against my c-section scar and they offer no support to my spare tyre as a result of having 3 children.

It felt good to toss each bra and matching nicker set onto the floor. It was a big pile.

All the underwear that is currently in my drawers are my favourite because they fit me and they contain my bits with a bit of shape.

I still have to go through my wardrobe, but I’m keen to go through each piece I own and really ask myself if it’s a favourite piece of clothing.

The reason I’m keen to keep my favourite pieces of clothing is because Joshua Fields Millburn, one half of The Minimalists, shared how his wardrobe has hardly any clothes but the clothes he owns are his favourite and he wears them all the time.

favourite style

Elm Dress worn with different shoes.

I know my wardrobe is brimming with clothes. Some are on trend, some I like and some I love wearing time and time again.

But I’ve sometimes found myself as a result of taking part in #everdaystyle wanting to share a new outfit with my community and this often involves buying something new. Occasionally I’m gifted pieces, but most times, I buy my own clothes. And it can be expensive.

repeatedmystyle favourite clothes

Rockmans OTS styled two ways

I’ve shared ways on how to afford new clothes. Many times I will sell clothes to pay for newer items. But I’ve also enjoyed wearing classic styles that don’t outdate and can be easily intermixed with other items in my wardrobe.

This year I am going to start challenging myself to wear the same clothes and patterns in different ways. I think I do this fairly well already, but I reckon I could be a little better.

To set the challenge and keep myself accountable, like all the best fashion bloggers, I’m going to make my own hashtag #repeatedmystyle. Feel free to tag me and use the hashtag when you wear the same outfit differently by changing the accessories or changing how it’s worn – or shock horror wearing the same outfit again because you love to wear it.

favourite clothes

Crossroads OTS dress styled two ways.

If you’re keen like me to start clearing out your wardrobe, leaving it with pieces that are your favourite clothes, here are some ways to go about it. It could be a monthly process rather than an instant declutter session.

How to decide on your favourite clothes:

1. Work through Nikki’s Unlock Your Style book. This book helps you define your style and it gives you tips on the essentials that you need in your wardrobe so you can show off those showpony pieces.

2. Go through your basics like your black and white singlets, tees and those pieces that are foundational to your outfits and make sure they fit and flatter. If you don’t like the way the feel or look on you, find basic pieces that you do like to wear.

3. If it doesn’t fit, it’s not your favourite. Donate, toss or sell

4. If you haven’t worn it for 12 months, it’s not your favourite. Donate, toss or sell.

5. If you take part in #everydaystyle or #sharedmystyle or any other fashion hashtag on Instagram, analyse the clothing pieces you turn to time and time again and keep those. If you don’t share your outfits, take a note of the clothes you constantly put in the wash.

6. Take part in sharing your outfits on Instagram as it helps you define your style and do tip number 5.

Is your wardrobe full of your favourite clothes? Have you watched the Minimalism documentary?