I love the #everydaystyle concept that was started by Nikki from Styling You. I occasionally took part in the challenge before I had Phoebe as a way to share my style. I put my photos on my Plumbette Instagram account, but decided to start a Styled by Bec Instagram account to keep the fashion posts separate from The Plumbette.
I would take a photo each Sunday morning of the outfit I’d wear to church because during the week I would wear a boring wardrobe of navy cotton drill shirt and cargos for work.
Now that I have had Phoebe, I have become motivated to share how to wear the same clothes in my wardrobe but in different ways. If I can’t afford to be buying new clothes all the time, then I’m sure some of you who read this blog can’t either.
That’s why I like to explore new ways of wearing my scarves whether layered or tied into a kimono.
The real reason why I take part in #everydaystyle since having a baby is for my own health of mind. I can’t do my day without getting up, having a shower and getting dressed in the morning. I try and be ready before Jacob goes to work so that he can take my picture. Sometimes Phoebe doesn’t give me a great night and I occasionally sleep in until Jacob leaves for work, hence getting Esther to take my picture.
The second reason I take part in #everydaystyle is to show how long it takes to lose the baby weight and the jelly belly. I don’t diet, but I do watch what I eat. I’ve only done a walk once since having Phoebe. My exercise comes in the form of playing with my girls, housework and breastfeeding.
There is a lot of pressure on mums to get to their pre-baby weight after having a baby and I say enjoy your baby. Allow your body to heal. Don’t rush into an exercise regime too soon after birth unless you’ve talked to your doctor. Watch what you eat but don’t be crazy anal about being on a diet and expecting to be back to your pre-baby weight in a short amount of time.
With Esther it took me 18 months to get to a couple of kg’s off my pre-baby weight. When I had Magdalene, I lost a bit of weight and then found out I was pregnant when she was 7 months old. I still had 10 kgs to lose.
I’ve had enquiries from other new mums on what I’m doing to lose weight because my #everydaystyle photos look good. Honestly, I’m not doing anything different. Perhaps some of my outfits camouflage my wobbly bits and make me look slimmer than I am. In some photos I still have a jelly belly, and a few bumps and lumps but they will smooth out in time. They might not too.
Christmas is coming up and I’m looking forward to a bit of indulgence. The last two Christmas’s I have been pregnant and haven’t been able to indulge in soft cheeses and my beloved chocolate mousse which has raw eggs in it. This Christmas is going to be GOOD.
#everydaystyle isn’t just for bloggers. Anyone can take part. I’d love to see your style photos and if you need inspiration when it comes to style, it’s a great hashtag to follow to work out what outfits you can incorporate into your own wardrobe.
How long did it take you to lose your baby weight? Do you take part in #everydaystyle?
I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT