If You Had $1000 to Spend on Yourself, What Would You Buy?

If you had $1000 to spend on yourself, what would you buy?

I was thinking recently about all the things I wanted, and some that I needed, and I calculated they’d all come to $1000.

I realised, it doesn’t take long to spend $1000 on yourself. Here’s a break up of my needs and wants list.

$200 for Frankie4 Shoes (cause my last pair of sandals broke and it’s time to start buying supportive shoes that last longer than 1 season)

$50 for a Dress (this is a want, not a need)

$250 for new make-up (a need as I had run out of everything. I only buy once a year at the Malouf Pharmacy sales)

$120 for an hour long facial ( a want. Haven’t had for years. But would like. Will wait till holidays to have one.)

$40 for a Pedicure ( a want. Recently had and only have one every couple of months.)

$100 to get hair done (a need. Hadn’t had my hair done since… July!)

$260 for a new leather handbag (A need. My only handbag broke. Had it for over 4.5 years)

$30 for new earrings (a want. Fell in love with the design as soon as I saw them.)

All this comes to $1050!! See how easy it is to spend $1000 on yourself? Any wonder people head to op shops to buy their clothes. It would be interesting to see what you could walk away with for $100. (On that note, look out for a future blogpost on this)

I don’t actively spend $1000 on myself in one sitting. I will spread the costs out over time and usually make a big once-per-year purchase that will last me for a while (ie handbag and shoes).

My new handbag will hopefully last me a few years. As will my new Frankie4 Shoes.

For most of us, having a spare $1000 to spend on ourselves is pretty rare. Bills and family needs usually come first. Or the $1000 may saved towards a holiday.

While it’s true, we don’t need more things. It’s still a need to replace things when they are broken and are no longer useful.

But after reading the Barefoot Investor, having play money is important so you’ve got the money to spend on things you want. And it stops you from feeling guilty about using your credit card to purchase. Because there is no need to use it.

Thankfully, I’ve been quite proactive in selling a lot of stuff from our garage on Facebook Marketplace. The money made has been put to good use. With most of it saved, some of it has been put towards new purchases I’ve made in the last few weeks which have included:

Frankie4 Maddie Black Spot Sandals $199.95

Frankie 4 Maddie Sandals

Unfortunately Sold Out

Lovisa Earrings $27.99

Lovisa Earrings

Tropical Print Maxi $50 and Airflex Florida Tan Shoes (I got mine for $64.99 on sale, in store)

Tropical Print Maxi Dress

What have you been saving to purchase this Spring? Got your eye on a dress or some Frankie4 shoes?

Disclosure: I bought my Wardrobe 22 dress with a discount. There are affiliate links on this post. Should you choose to purchase an item, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.