How to Stick to Your Fashion Intentions for 2018

The start of the year is always a good prompt to reflect on where you’re at in life and make plans to change things you’re not satisfied with. One area of our lives that may seem superficial to reflect on is the state of our wardrobes. And I don’t mean how organised they are and what they look like (although this is helpful so you can find things when you need them). I’m talking about having a wardrobe that serves the purposes of your life. Whether it’s having clothes for all occasions or creating a capsule wardrobe so you have less clothes or acquiring new brands that you love but may not be able to afford.

fashion intentions for 2018

Fashion Intentions – Some Ideas to Create Your Own

I think everyone should have a fashion intention they can focus on throughout the year.

Some examples are:

Only buy new clothes from Op Shops

No new clothes for the year

Create a collection of designer pieces

Buy investment pieces that will last more than a year

Create a capsule wardrobe

Declutter your wardrobe

Book a one-on-one session with a stylist to develop your style

Do courses or read blogs to discover or evolve your style

Only buy Australian made clothes

Only buy ethically made clothes

Not buying clothes over the price of $100

Set up a fashion splurge account 

Work on body confidence and wear bolder pieces that show off your figure

And etc

There are many more intentions you may be able to think of when it comes to your personal wardrobe and fashion choices.

Maybe you may know one or two you might like to focus on during the year.

So how can you make your fashion intention a success for 2018?

To make your fashion intention a success, you need to read the right blogs and interact with these fashionistas, so you can gleam inspiration and motivation to stay on course with your intentions. Here are some fashion blogs I recommend for some of the intentions I listed above.

Bloggers to Follow for Your Fashion Intentions for 2018

Styling You: Discovering your style and learning how to dress for you PLUS body confidence boosting posts

Hello 2018. I see you and I celebrate this awesome community of women. . . Every day, I witness women in this community lifting others up, with a comment, a helpful suggestion or a “like”. I see women sharing images of their outfits, safe in the knowledge they won’t be cut down for their choices. I see women get themselves into a swimsuit for the first time in many, many years. I see women not afraid to ask a style question because they know they will not be laughed at for asking for help. I see women who wouldn’t have known each other except for this community become friends. I see women blossom and grow as they feel they have found the support they need to unlock their style. . . How lucky am I? More on the blog … plus you could win one of 5 spots in my next online style program. . . Click @stylingyou and follow the link in my profile to read . . Photo: @thephotopitch | hair and makeup: @hairbeautyguru via @arccreative #everydaystyle #girlboss

A post shared by Nikki Parkinson | Styling You (@stylingyou) on

Pretty Chuffed: Fashion buys under $100

Styling Curvy: Curvy Style and Body Confidence Posts

Carly Findlay and Life on Wallace: Dress from your own wardrobe

Never Ever Pay Retail: Op Shop Style

Kirsten & Co: Local Brisbane Boutiques Style and Body Confidence

Iris May Style and Middle Aged Mama: Discovering your style beyond 40

A huge shoutout to the fabulous team @evalynparsonssalon for once again looking after my hair. Not sure how you magically turn my very dark roots (and greys) back to blonde in a heartbeat 😝I left the salon with a creamy multitonal blonde and a sharp textured bob, courtesy of the delightful Tahlia, which I adore. From the second I walked into the salon, I was greeted with a beautiful welcome, a glass of bubbles, plus a plate of cheese and biscuits – even though they were all rushed off their feet! #mykindaoffabulous ——— Just a heads-up, the salon are recruiting, so if you know of anyone either already living on the Sunshine Coast OR maybe someone looking to relocate/move from Melbs or Syd – that may be interested, get them to email their resume. 💋💋 ——— … … … … … #hair #evalynparsonshair #blonde #ambassador #everydaystyle

A post shared by BEV | IRIS MAY STYLE (@irismaystyle) on

Style and Shenanigans and Sonia Styling: Outfit ideas for all occasions

Whatever your goal is, bookmark these blogs and follow these bloggers on Instagram that align with your fashion intention.

If you want to own a certain designer piece, why not do a search on Facebook for groups that share their outfits from this brand or have a swap and buy group? I am a part of the Gorman Outfit of the Day group and love seeing everyone’s outfits. One of my intentions this year is to own 1 Gorman dress. I’ve got a few more intentions, but I might share them in another post.

Do you have fashion intentions for 2018? What fashion intentions have you made in the past?


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