Styling Session with Nicole from The Builder’s Wife

Styling clients is one of my favourite parts of the styling business. I used to do a lot more of it before I had my girls, and these days, I offer my services sporadically when the opportunity arises.

I saw on my blogging friend Nicole’s Facebook page (The Builder’s Wife)  that she needed ideas for an outfit to wear to two functions. I messaged her immediately and asked if I could help. We made a date to meet at Indooroopilly Shopping Centre with my two youngest girls in tow to get Nicole an outfit to suit both occasions.

We headed to Myer and I knew Cue and Review would have the styles of dresses that would suit Nicole’s figure and style. Usually when I take a client shopping, without kids, I would be in and out of the change room taking dresses back and finding new dresses to try. But on that day we collected a huge range of dresses to take into the change room. I busied myself giving advice and keeping my girls entertained with food. I then made the fatal mistake of taking Phoebe out of the pram because she was getting whingy and wanted to be free. She was happy to sit and play with the pram. She crawled into the free fitting rooms and played with the door. While I was attending to Nicole, Phoebe made a mad dash and crawled out of the change rooms into Myer. I panicked because I couldn’t see her and Myer is a pretty big store. Nicole quickly chucked some clothes on so she could help me find Phoebe. Thankfully, it was only a minute or so that Phoebe came crawling back after an expedition around the rack of clothes in the Basque section, right next to the change rooms. Phoebe was promptly placed in the pram after that!

My girls playing in the Myer change room.

My girls playing in the Myer change room.

In the meantime we found this winning dress by Cue. This dress ticked all the right boxes in terms of colour, cut and style for Nicole.

The winning dress

The winning dress

We tried a few other shops in the centre, but nothing compared to this dress. It worked with what Nicole already owned in her wardrobe – a black blazer and pumps.

Nicole in her Jacket and Pumps

Nicole in her Jacket and Pumps


Worn without the jacket

Worn without the jacket

I love how Nicole got her hair styled to match with her look. She looked beautiful and I’m so glad I got to help her in a practical way.

If you are after a styling session to find an outfit for a special occasion I am happy to assist. I offer a reduced styling rate if I bring my girls along for the styling session and can feature your outfit on the blog. Feel free to contact me for further info.

What do you think of Nicole’s look? Have you ever shopped with a Stylist?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.