On Saturday, I went to one of the best blogging events to date. That sounds like a big call, but I reckon it was up there with some of the best events I’ve been invited to since being a blogger. And before you think I’ve been invited to many events… I can count on two hands the amount of events I have been invited to.
Every day since I had Phoebe, I have taken a photo of my outfit. I have missed some days if I haven’t had time to get a photo, but generally taking an #everydaystyle photo and uploading it to Facebook and Instagram has become part of my everyday morning routine.
I don’t do it for likes or compliments. I do it to show a normal version of a mum at home with her kids. There are days where I look tired and frumpy and other days I could give Megan Gale a run for her money.
Nikki from Styling You created the #everydaystyle hashtag two years ago and a community of fashion savvy women have embraced the hashtag and friendships have developed from it.
To celebrate the 2 year anniversary, Nikki organized a lunch for the ladies who take part regularly using the hashtag.
It was an event I did not want to miss because if you follow Nikki’s Instagram feed, she’s a woman who knows good food and how to have a good time.
Prior to the event, I was worried about where the heck I was going to park. I had opted to park at the Myer Centre which I hate parking in but do it because I know I’m guaranteed a park and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg compared to some other parks in the city.
As luck would have it, I missed the turn off into the city and had to go over the Storey Bridge and that little mistake turned into a good call because I decided I’d park under Queens Plaza and for an extra $10 I got valet parking which meant I didn’t need to park the car, the valet did it for me. It was the perfect place to park because I pretty much walked through Queens Plaza, across the Queen Street Mall, through the Wintergarden and straight into the Hilton. Don’t you love when mistakes work out in the end?
Anyway, the lunch was held on the pool terrace and I got to catch up with bloggers I regularly read online, as well as meet new faces. Most of whom I follow on Instagram and know via their Instagram name, not their real one.

Bev from Iris May Style and me

With Individual Style 101 and Kirsten & Co
I got to sit next to Lauren from Sand castles and Paper Crowns and we worked out we crossed paths at the same church over a decade prior. I couldn’t believe it!

With Lauren from Sand Castles and Paper Crowns
I had Sue from Madam Cassowary on the other side who I regularly see sharing her #everydaystyle pics.
Lunch was served and it looked stylish.
We got tips on how to pose in our photos and where to place our hands. We had to practice and I did give it a go on Sunday but I felt too serious and didn’t end up sharing it. I’ll share it here though as proof that I practiced what I was taught.
After the tutorial, dessert was served.
Nikki pre-warned us that we would be getting a lucky door prize. I thought it would be some sort of sample beauty product because how can you give 30 decent raffle prizes away? Nikki from Styling You did. She turned into Oprah and gave everyone a super stylish gift. The prizes were AMAZING. Gift vouchers and accessories and clothes and shoes… it was like Christmas had come early.
I received these fabulous Turkish Towels from Knotty Towels. I had to laugh because as you know I write a plumbing blog and love all things homewares and I got TURKISH TOWELS! I have had Turkish Towels on my wish list since they became a trend. I absolutely love them and can’t wait to use them. I’m also thinking they’re a great towel alternative for the beach.
After lunch we congregated down at the bar to chat. I left a bit abruptly because the valet closed at 5pm. Unfortunately; I left with a headache which turned into a migraine. I was in bed as soon as I got home before wishing bloggers well in Sydney while they partied it up at the Kidspot Gala at Luna Park.
As wonderful as the event was, what made it fabulous were the women who came. All sporting individual looks and carrying themselves with confidence. The shoes everyone was wearing were insane! On Friday, I headed to Jo Mercer and bought these because I needed a heel that I could walk in. It is a skill to walk in a stiletto heel. I still can’t do it. The big trends in shoes at the lunch were tassels and gladiator style heels.
Special thanks has to go to Nikki and her assistant who put on a fabulous event. We received a Louenhide purse and notebook with our name tags which were such a generous touch to an already amazing event. Thank you to the Hilton for the delicious lunch and to Olympus who sponsored my bubbles (and everyone elses’s).

Nikki and I
Anyone can take part in #everydaystyle. It’s just a matter of taking a picture of what you’re wearing and uploading it to Instagram, using the hashtag. The group is an inclusive one, not exclusive.
Thank you also to Vizcosa, who dressed me for the event. I’m also giving away a Kaftan from the Vizcosa range up to the value of $249.99. Head to this post to enter.
Have you ever been to an event that blew you away? Ever made a mistake that turned out better in the end?
I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT