What I wore in Melbourne

I went to Melbourne for the weekend to attend the Kidspot Voices of 2015 Masterclass. I knew I had to pack warm clothes so I planned on taking a simple black, white and red palette to make packing easier. We were only going away for two nights, but I didn’t want to overpack as whenever I travel with a baby I find I need the extra room to pack baby stuff.

One tip I suggest you do before packing for a trip is to try on the clothes you are going to wear before you pack them into your bag. This proved to be a wise tip as the skirt I was going to wear to the Masterclass wouldn’t do up so I had to think of an alternative. I’m thankful I didn’t just chuck clothes into my case because that would have been a disaster.

Flying down to Melbourne I chose to wear a simple black long sleeved top with my Katies jeans, a tartain scarf and beret.

Melbourne Look 1

On the day of the Masterclass I chose to wear my Charlie Dress from Bohemian Traders with a faux fur vest from Dotti and my brown Sandler boots which I wore down the previous day. I didn’t take any other shoes for the trip.

Melbourne Day 1

Flying home, I work dark denim jeans, a black long sleeve tee and my possum wool jumper from New Zealand. The jumper is too warm to wear in a Brisbane winter so I was glad I got some wear out of it in Melbourne.

Day 2 Melbourne Look

Jacob surprised me with a necklace from Tiffany and Co as a combined wedding anniversary gift and a simple gesture of congratulations for The Plumbette reaching Alumni. I love the length of the necklace and it matches well with the key chain I got for my 30th Birthday.

Tiffany necklace

This was the first time I didn’t specifically buy a new outfit to wear to a blogging function, although I did come to purchase the Charlie dress from Bohemian Traders on a recent spend and save sale. It’s on sale again for 2 days with 30% off the Charlie range online. I love the dress because it is much longer than other dresses from Bohemian Traders which I’ve found have been much too short for my liking. I had a few bloggers check me out because the dress was on their wish list. Now’s the time to purchase it if you are keen on owning this dress in your wardrobe.

How good are you packing for a short trip away? Do you pack too many clothes or not enough?

I’m linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT.